Saturday, October 8, 2011

The first 4 weeks after

So I finally made it, I am officially a student again. I would not be able to say at this point how I feel exactly, but one thing I do know is that I somehow feel accomplished. After all that I went through, living this moment is actually one step towards success...wait! It is a major milestone! However the milestone comes with ups and downs (exactly what I meant with the lack of ability to precisely express my feelings), on one hand, my life plan is on its way to materialize; on the other, I really miss all my loved ones. If I could describe it, I would say it's like having an empty space right there in the middle of your chest, a little bit to the left.
As a new "Californian" (don't know if that's even a word), I can say I'm not in bad shape at all. Somehow I've managed to find my ways around, and I'm proud to say that I do not have a car in LA!!! And yet I go pretty much wherever I want (that was actually a bit more optimistic than real, but a girl has a right to dream, right?). So here's the deal, I miss family, boyfriend, dog, house, big closets, etc's. But, I LOVE what I'm doing now.
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