Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Bienvenue after valentine's

As a start for all this, I have decided to include something I already wrote somewhere else...

Enjoy! (or not, then do something else)

what's the deal?
so a friend of mine just asked me, do you have your period?
well the answer is no... I'm just so annoyed of so many people now (and by people I mean no specifics, well some but I don't want to go further with that) and, why am i annoyed? It turns out this saturday is Valentine's and yes I know it's a strategy to make you buy shit, I know it's cheesy, whatever it is.

The thing is: I see and hear all this rambling on "what are you doing on valentine's?... you know it's sooo not meee and i'm not romantic, how about you..." or "well i do not do anything for the gf on valentine's i try to give her something a day or two after valentine's... actually i hate valentine's..." Isn't this all crap? Ain't these guys all fake?
I think it's just a facade (sorry but i don't have the cedille on my keyboard and i'm dumb enough to not look for it) and I have a question, if y'all hate it so damn much then why the hell you do nothing but talk about it????

My personal posture is, wtf? who gives a shit about it, if you don't really like it, then get over it and stop making a huge deal out of the fact you "hate it".

I do not like it or hate it, I just think of it differently every year. What i'm trying to say is, if you're a part of that trend of "valentine's lovers" go ahead, buy the chocolate box and teddy bear, but please try to buy it from a person who has his/her own business (in that way you can help boost an individual's economy), UNICEF or a single mom making handcrafts are also good choices; on the other hand if you're one of those "valentine's haters or i'm so cool to be sending post cards" then STOP TALKING ABOUT IT AND MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!!!

And fyi people, details and romantic shit can work out for me, as long as it is honest... after all, love and friendship or whatever feeling or human emotion that comes to you from time to time is unavoidable...

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