Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Don't you see you're doing it again?

And it never goes old, it has probably been like this since forever! How come all the people who claims "do not celebrate Valentine's"or just claims "to hate the world's worst marketing evil day" keeps somehow acknowledging this day and therefore celebrating it in a twisted way????

So without further due, I'll just make my point: GET OVER IT PEOPLE!!! 

same thing...over and over again (image from http://www.eatdrinkandrun.com)

I am sure I am not the only one who is tired of you bitchin'!! If you don't like it, take it to your congressman, sign a petition, take pledges, start a cause on facebook, occupy a street, join occupy, do anything proactive instead of just unpleasantly complain or try too hard to be too cool to celebrate this ok?


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