Monday, December 28, 2009

christmas eve eve &some of these holidays

"...And I wonder
When I sing along with you
If everything could ever feel this real forever
If anything could ever be this good again
The only thing I'll ever ask of you
You've got to promise not to stop when I say when..."

So that's it, I so don't care how many times we all have listened to that song, I still like it. I bring it up just because last wednesday at our christmas eve eve (urban dictionary term) celebration as usual we were a bit drunk and that song was in the drunk playlist (as usual). Anyway, this christmas was less private than last year's and nevertheless I can say 2009 has been better than 08 and way way better than 2007. This was a year of unprecedented stuff. I would have never thought back in 2005-6 a.k.a "dark side period" or years of hell, that this year would be the way it turned out to be. And why would I say something like this?

Well, let's go over some facts:

1. Went to NY (and not just to visit but to MSSM!!)
2. Visited Ireland & Croatia which I have never been before
3. Overcame some marriage issues
4. Quit smoking for good this time
5. Roquefort came into our lives

It may not be much and I may expect a lot more to come on 2010 but I do hope my dreams come true and we change our state of residence to Connecticut. I know one thing is certain, I may not have a dreamy princess-like life or the happily ever after marriage but I am happy. I like to think I am blessed to be me. Even if the ivy education does not come my way now it will and I think I have what it takes.

PS. God bless advil max for taking those cramps

Monday, December 14, 2009


Hoy, después de realmente no tengo idea cuanto tiempo, me decidí... Mejor dicho, dejé cosas que tenía que hacer por escribir un rato. Llegué en la mañana como si nada a mi pedazo de escritorio (es que realmente ni cubículo tengo) y me puse a "trabajar", después de un rato me enteré de algo que me dejó impresionada, triste y un poco rara. A lo largo del día han pasado algunas cosas menores que me han puesto a pensar en las perspectivas, aunque tengo que admitir que no estoy segura de que sea el mejor término posible. Digamos que me puse a pensar en qué tanto es tantito, o mejor dicho en el valor que tienen las cosas. Por lo general me la paso angustiándome por los deadlines, porque mi perro no acepta el entrenamiento, porque no tengo lana, etc etc. Después de lo que pasó hoy, creo que ni los deadlines, ni mi perro y sus issues, ni mucho menos la lana se comparan a lo que debe estar angustiando a mi amiga. Digamos que lo puso todo en una perspectiva diferente.