Thursday, June 23, 2016

Reasons why I love my dog

I've just come to the realization that my posts, though unfrequent, feed off my procrastination. In this case, I couldn't help but stop what I was doing (which wasn't hard at all, as I'm a professional procrastinator) to look at Roquefort (my pom aka "best friend/love of my life", pretty much sharing the title with my hubby). Long story short, Roque is just napping on the floor right next to the desk where I'm doing my work today and just looking at him makes my heart explode with love. As if I needed to explain this adoration I feel for him, I had to write this little note dedicated to him, so here's a quick list of reasons,

  • He is loyal AF!!! I mean it, he never goes too far away from me* and being this clingy/needy person that I am, that means a lot
  • He has the cutest face foxy like, I'm serious he's a good looking dog
  • He is a good napper, if you want to cuddle, he's your guy!
  • He loves comfort, always after: a good pillow, human bed >>> doggie bed, upgraded treats (none of those dry cheap ones, he'll refuse), he's a professional lounger
  • He looks at me with his beautiful brown eyes as if he was waiting for something or as if he understood whenever I talk to him (yes I do talk to him, and yes sometimes like baby talk)
  • He will always make me feel better when I'm sad, sick, under the weather, he will always try
Bottom line: he is the best!

*except for a very good reason: steak, delicious human food-he should not be eating, a weird noise that makes him turn into Cujo, and maybe a squirrel.