Saturday, February 1, 2014

yeah yeah yeah yeah

I get this bittersweet moment when I think about last Thursday, without going into details, I can admit that I make the worst decisions ever. But that is not the main point here, my whining about the consequence is. As it turns out, I can't deal with the consequences of my poor decision making process and I usually end up with the results kicking me in the ass. Even if this result is not common to ALL my decisions in life, it is to some of the most crucial (emotionally/relationship wise).

As a result of this "thinking" I started wondering, how many of you out there share this feeling, how many of you own your shit and keep yourselves together? How do you know if what you are doing is what you really want. Beyond that, if you've faced a time when you made a crucial decision, did you whine about your consequences just like me?

What if we were given absolute power on the things we want to get, would the consequences of our actions be so overwhelming for our simple selves to handle? Would the decisions we'd make then define us? Up to this moment, I haven't really thought that far. I'm just here wondering my what if's, thinking about why I've been making the decisions I made and some trivial things, such as what to make for dinner.